Part 4 – Solving Our Problems

Our problems don’t go away when we accept Christ. Truthfully, they may even get worse. When the devil sees our progress in Christ, he wants to stop us in our tracks, discourage us and make us believe that being born again is foolishness.

Scripture tells us that the devil is a liar and the father of lies. He came to kill, steal and destroy. But Jesus came to bring us life and life abundant.

God is ready to help us in solving our problems. His Word contains armor to protect us and weapons to fight our battles; prayer and love are two of the greatest. The first step in overcoming a problem is to submit it to God in prayer. The next step is to face the problem and not hide or run away. God can’t help you until you face the problem and start seeking answers. When we fear something, it appears gigantic. But when we face it, the problem often turns out to be quite easy to solve.

As we see how God helps us overcome our difficulties, we build confidence and accumulate tools to use in future battles. When young David faced the giant Goliath, he had great faith in God and had already used his slingshot to kill lions and bears. David spoke and acted boldly. He knew that God was on his side.

We may have some serious problems but God can help us conquer every one. For more on this subject, see the Part 4 teachings.


Scripture References:

John 8:44, John 10:10, Philippians 4:6, 1 Samuel 17