3-7 Declaration for my Disposition

Devil, you’ll no longer have my disposition. I have been angry, nasty, and argumentative all of my life, but no longer. Your chain of control is broken over me! It will never return to my life!

I want what God wants for me. I want to be kind-hearted and loving. I want to point out the good things in people and encourage them not point to their weaknesses and discourage them.

I want to keep my mouth shut and not give advice unless it is asked. When it is asked I want to give the answers that the Holy Spirit gives me and not just tell about my own experience. I want to become a good listener, truly hearing and concerned for the person I am speaking to.

I want to say, pray and do the right things in God’s eyes. I want to be guided at all times by His Spirit, not by my own selfish ambition.

Lord, help me to be the kind of person You want me to be – continually growing in the wisdom and knowledge of You and Your ways and walking gently and carefully in those ways. Let me wield the sword of your Spirit, but with compassion, with the knowledge that I am still in need of great change!

Let me be honest but kind in my honesty, never biting. Let me use words that will heal, yet reveal the truth, so that people will want to walk in truth and not in deception so they will be drawn to doing things Your way.

Let me not convince others in the way that the world does by manipulating, cajoling, and threatening, but by shedding Your true light on the situation – the light that You give me through Your Word, prayer and discernment.

Thank you Lord for removing my garment of heaviness. Clothe me in a garment of kindness and praise so I can hear Your voice as it speaks to me and shows me how to love, comfort and serve others!

DLH – April 28, 1993