3-13 Meditation

Finding the Deeper Meanings

I’ve never done much meditating on the Word of God. I’ve done much Bible reading and lots of praying – but not meditating. Like most people, I know how to meditate because I have spent much time meditating on my problems. I know that this is counterproductive but it is something I am still trying to overcome.

Recently I read an article in Good News Connection that inspired me to start meditating on the Word. The author explained that when he meditates he finds the same excitement and close relationship with God as when he goes on a retreat. I thought, that sounds good, I am going to try it.

I started by asking God what scripture to meditate on and felt led to 2 Timothy 1:7 “God has not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind.” The Bible contains many wonderful scriptures on fear and God says “Fear Not” over and over throughout his Word.

Fears – An Example

But most of us have fears. We fear failure. We fear success. We fear people – what they think, what they might do or not do. Fear comes in so many shapes, sizes, and forms. And some fears are serious and severe.

I have thought about this scripture in the past and felt it really should say, “God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear but of faith.” Faith seems to be the opposite of fear so that would seem to make more sense.

But then I realized that when we have fear, we don’t have power, we can’t reach out in love, and our mind is far from sound. We basically withdraw, often frozen in place. I guess this insight was achieved by meditation but now I was looking for even more.

As I meditated, here’s what I received. Instead of fear, God has given us power in that situation we are fearing – the ability to do something about the problem and the power to win.

Other scriptures reinforce this: If we follow his commandments, Deuteronomy 28: 13 says that we will be the head and not the tail; Isaiah 54: 17 says that no weapon formed against us will prosper; and Romans 8:37 says that we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us.

We can conclude that we can win if stop feeling sorry for ourselves and move forward, knowing that God will direct us and those around us.

Next I realized that He gives us the ability to love that person who is coming against us. We don’t need to run or hide. If we ask, the Holy Spirit will give us understanding about why the person is doing what they are doing.

It usually isn’t about us but about some deep hurt in their own life. God may have allowed that situation just so we can help and love that person. They may resist at first, but if we persist and demonstrate that our love is real, they will eventually succumb.

Finally, God gives us a sound mind. When we are in fear, we can’t think straight and we are very likely to make bad decisions and some very bad mistakes. Knowing that God has given us His power in our situation, we can think clearly and have peace and strength.


DLH  –  2001