3-12 Healing the Hurts

My heart is full of anger
For the things I have not done.
For the time that I have wasted
And the battles I’ve not won.

For the grief that I’ve caused others
And the misery I’ve felt …
For fear and for the anguish
Of each hurt that I’ve been delt.

For my words and too my actions
Have not glorified my God.
He asked me to bring peace
But with contention I was shod.

Although I did not know it
Each hurt I stored away.
And venom built within me
Each person to repay.

And when attacked or hurt again
There’d come an angry bout.
In hateful words that blast and sting
That venom would come out.

Oh God You said our hearts are full of evil
And You’re right
But You can circumcise them and
Remove that hate and fight.

Forgive me for not seeing sooner
What I had to do.
I have to give my heart and past
Completely o’re to You.

I have to ask forgiveness of my family
And each friend
For hurts that I’ve inflicted
So their wounds will also mend.

Lord, help me to forgive others
So You can forgive my sins.
Wipe clean my heart
So I can love … then everybody wins!

For with a heart that’s full of love
I glorify Your name.
By spreading love to others
I bring Your house to fame.

And peace will come to my house
As I learn to walk in love.
Please give me grace
And let Your light shine through me
From above!
DLH – December 25, 1990